Thursday, January 14, 2010

What we do

This year has started off with a great stance. We have signed up a few new clients from different industries. Currently we are in the process of building with them the strategy to move forward. I had an interesting occurrence. I met with a potential client and the meeting itself was an interesting learning experience as far as I was concerned. Their idea was - we have been doing this for a long time and we realize that we need help to move forward (to be fair based on our research there was a lot which could be done which wasn't being done) but we are afraid of letting go. So far this is a fairly common occurrence when we deal with family companies. It is their baby and it makes sense that people don't want to let go. However what intrigued me was that I was being asked to see the research we had done (they admitted they had never analyzed the results of their efforts) but when I commented that we do not give that out for free then I was being aggressive.
I would like to explain two things:
1 - Our work is based on the fact that we do analysis which many times companies themselves don't do. It is true that afterwards you need to be able to act on it, but the basis of it all is the research itself. Why should we be giving that out for free?
2 - How can anyone expect to improve their business development without analyzing the results of their efforts? How can you know where to improve without checking what's missing?
Our job consists of researching what's missing and devising a plan based on that. We have certain methods of working which do not fit everyone but those who find it fits their needs are welcome to work with us.

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